Sylvie Bonne

What is plain language?
= langage clair = simple = einfache Sprache
“A communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended readers can easily find what they need, understand what they find, and use that information.”
Plain language is aimed at a very broad audience.
A sentence has around 15 words, maximum 20.
There were no fixed rules for over years.
Since June 2023, however, you can use the ISO standard for clear languages as a guide,
but it remains optional.
It is the international standard ISO 24495-1: 2023
What is easy language?
= easy-to-read = facile à lire et à comprendre / FALC = “Leichte Sprache”
The basic principle of plain language also applies here:
Language (wording), structure and design should be so clear that users can easily find, understand and use the information.
But the target group changes:
Easy language was created in order to give people with learning difficulties access to information and participation on equal terms.
This is why easy language simplifies much more than plain language does.
There are fixed rules to follow.
A sentence has for example about 10 words.
Easy language uses many explanations and usually pictures.
To get best easy-to-understand information, the target group should be involved in the creative process.