Legal notice

Responsible editor & owner: Sylvie Bonne

Self-employed consultant and translator for simple and easy language. 

Company name: Sylvie Bonne communication / simplybonne.

Address: Aspelt. Luxembourg

E-mail address: info(at)

LinkedIn: Sylvie Bonne | LinkedIn

Establishment licence N° 10 12 48 41/0

Property right

Website: © 2023 Sylvie Bonne. All rights reserved.

Photos: © 2023 Sylvie Bonne. All rights reserved.

Web design: © 2023 Gérard Kieffer, Sylvie Bonne. 
All rights reserved.

All texts, images and other content are protected by copyright.

Please refrain from any reproduction or redistribution without prior written authorisation.

Send an enquiry to info(at) if you wish to use anything.
